Hello everyone, it’s been a long time since we’ve talked about The Whit-Noise Podcast hasn’t it? Well that’s mostly been my fault and I wanted to start by apologizing for that. I’ve been going through a lot and I have let that a lot control me for far too long. Now I said that once before but that just goes to show how much I let it control me. However this time it is diferent and I am doing my best to put on my more serious face. But enough about my problems, you are here for White-Noise News…

First things first, we are going to be moving some White-Noise stuff around a bit. Currently we are using SoundCloud to provide our main RSS feed for White-Noise, however it is not really financially efficient in the long run. Because of this, as of July 2, 2019 we will be moving the podcast to Libsyn, we have been using it for the Haunt Spots podcast and we have found it to be a much better service.

Secondly White-Noise Season 3 will hopefully be returning on September 2, 2019 with new episodes every month. There is still much to do on the podcast and a few things that can still cause a few issues but I am confident I our cast and crews abilities to overcome it.

Well that’s about it for now, I will be doing everything I can to keep you all updated the next couple of months both in our newsletters, social media sites and out website Badmittenstudios.com.


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